Monday, November 16, 2009

Richard Hildebrand's week 2 of 2nd trip

Hi Folks,

Habari za jeoni,

Had a very busy last week. Monday I proceeded to return the poor plywood (It was taken back in exchange for a higher quality product. Then I had the new lumbercore plywood delivered and had it by noon at the village. I had to be given a ride in a delivery pickup truck that carried the delivery to show them the location. It was a unique experience as the vehicle died after 10 feet or so and I pointed out that they were out of fuel as according to the gas gage. They said that E was for Enough and the problem was with a piece of chicken wire holding a lever under the hood. A bit of twisting and wiggling caused the vehicle to start once again and I was on my way for 30 miles in a most uncomfortable seat as there was nothing left of the cushion and the springs were all but shot supporting the vehicle. It took 2 hours! The Architect and my interpreter stayed back and I worked at the village until Wednesday when they showed up. They both only stayed one night with me so I had basically the entire week being the only Muzungu in the village. It was quiet but with all the villagers wanting to say Hi, I stayed entertained.

We have started the fourth and final side of the fencing project. We ran out of concrete poles and have ordered 120 more and will get delivery in 10 days. I found that with the poles lying on the ground on the fence line, a few of the villagers will come at night and break some of them to get at the steel reinforcement. They then sell the steel and make enough to get a meal. I tried to hurry up and get all that we had delivered into the ground quickly to save as many as possible. The men were very tired as we worked long days in very hot and dusty conditions. Not fun. My head spins at night from the heat and I have to sit for fear of tipping over.

I gave myself a nice break and started the plywood wardrobes for the children. Having cut out patterns and multiple pieces to make 24 on the first production run - I was in the shade, using power tools, and was once again in my element. I hired a local man who happened to show up who introduced himeself as a Fundi. I needed the help so gave him instruction on the use of my power tools. He had not ever used power tools but he quickly found out about saw kick backs, wearing safety glasses and using the drill too fast. I worked with him all day on Friday and Saturday and had a good time. He earned $10 USD for his efforts.

It happened that four Maasi guards stopped to visit me. I was treated to an interesting dance routine of HIGH jumping and deep bass sounds coming somewhere deep in the base of their throat. One offered me a tomato (nya nya) I said "Endio" for yes and off he went. He returned the next day with a 5 gallon bucket of tomatoes just for me!!!! I guess I should have tried to explain that I could use two or four for supper and I would have been good to go! He insisted I take all of them so any visitor passing by was treated to nya nya's. Actually I was glad to have something to serve guests.

Erick killed a rat in the courtyard of the place I am staying at - I left the premises when I realized it wasn't a dog. Also the ants found the kitchen and following their trail. I located a nest in the rafters of my bedroom. I called back to Arusha and had them purchase that "Doom" bug killer that landed me in the hospital on my August visit. It worked like a charm. I sprayed and stayed out of the kitchen for a full day. Not a cricket, june bug, grasshopper, rat, or ant was left. They returned in 24 hours but for a moment I was free of crawly things. A June Bug hatch occured this past week and they are everywhere. They get caught in my mosquito net at night and tussle around tring to get off and do the thing that June bugs do. I helped them off my net with a snapply finger flip with the aid of a flashlight to locate them. If I do it just right, they wack the concrete wall, land on the floor, turn upside down, spin a bit and die. I sweep them up twice a day now or I find that the crunching sound they make when stepped on is a bit disgusting. The Juicy ones (most are) that get the shoe, attract more ants and I really don't like ants.

Duct tape goes to bed with me each night now. As the mosquito netting optains holes from what ever reason, I have a patch procedure that works. The mosquitoes are relentless so it's best to sleep with the roll.

No rain yet. The dust is like an Iowa snow storm. You can't see the next building when it gets flying around. Several times a day, I see heat twisters passing by with the cyclone winds picking up the ground vertically in a spiral for a 1000' or so and blackening the sky with dust clouds above. Drought issues are now critical here as well as most of Tanzania. Unicef and other aid organizations are overwhelmed with trying to supply food and water to remote areas. Beautiful farm land that should have Maze growing everywhere is scorched and crops dead on the ground. Here at Mbuguni, we have some irrigated farm land so the area that receives water is producing good crops. God is Good!

At church today in Arusha, an invitation was made to any and all to join the choir for the Christmas program on December 11th. Yours truely has decided to give it a go. I can't make any of the practice sessions during mid week, so they gave me a song book, a cassette of the music and told me I would be fine and very welcome to participate. After all, I will miss our own Christmas program in Milford and who knows, I may even be the only BASS in the choir. After church we headed to a weekend Christmas FAIR at a Safari company grounds on the edge of Arusha. Tents were placed in a huge circle and vendors were selling Art Work. I'm very fortunate that my dear Wife was not in attendance as I would have had to call the bank to cover the purchases. This was real fine art and carvings, furniture, paintings, hand crafted clothing and bead work with the artist present. I however, can make it thru without the temptation of making a purchase. What I usually buy is nails and screws and of course how can I pass up a good power tool but those things were not there.

Been blessed with good health this trip so far. Dean Van Roekel is leaving this Wednesday and I will hold down the fort for the next 4 weeks especially with the capable hands of Erick. Once Dean is gone, Erick will spend his time with me at the village. Dean has had a reaction to something and spent a day in the Salian Hospital as his legs were swelling so bad. He is surviving. For the most part, I have been alone these past two weeks so the change of having Erick around will be welcomed. Little Enoki is my companion now as his sister, Nora, is attending her first year in school. She came by one day only so I miss her. Enoki, age 3. received a pair of shoes and some clothes but he lays on the concrete and plays with that little match box bus toy I gave him. He has brought it with him every day. Finally, all the students at STAR school have gone home yesturday on 2 month summer break. It will be very quiet there for the remainder of my stay.

There is a local water pipe about a kilometer from us and Mama's are milling about with 7 or 8 children waiting to fill a bucket. I stopped and called a Mama over to the vehicle and handed her shoes and shirts and pants for about 10 watotoes (children). She was at first speechless - then the grin started. As we drove off, the sound of, Asanti - Asanti rang in our ears. I too was happy for a moment, then once again after the sounds faded, I started to reflect on my abundance, knowing I could do much more, if only I made the effort.

I pray all is well on the other side of the pond.


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